Second Annual Conference Grant Period 2

Second Annual Conference Grant Period 2

IMMUPARKNET Second Annual Conference Grant Period 2

Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Date: 20th to 22nd April 2024

This event aims to host Action updates of all Working Group meetings, oral and poster presentations of scientific relevance, Management Committee meeting and more. IMMUPARKNET will be holding a single Conference in this Grant Period 2 (1st November 2023 – 31st October 2024), so this is a great opportunity to foster our network and forge new collaborations!

In this conference, we will hold a Management Committee meeting, provide updates on WG activities and plan those for the future, host scientific presentations of selected posters and oral communications, and have the opportunity to network with current Action members and potential new members, including during the planned social events. The provisional programme can be found in the attachments.

Who can attend?

All IMMUPARKNET members and their affiliates, and potentially interested future members are welcome to attend and present at the conference. We would like to encourage everyone to consider the participation of their Post Docs, PhD students and younger colleagues, including Young Researchers and Innovators (YRIs – COST Association definition: all those engaged in research under the age of 40), in particular.

Declaration of interest

Please let us know whether you are interested in coming to the Annual Conference before the 31st December 2023. To do this, please send an e-mail (to immuparknet@gmail.com – Subject IMMUPARKNET Seville Application) with your:

Name, Action membership (MC, Member, affiliate), institution, position (Professor, PhD student, etc.) country and whether you are considered a YRI (see above). Please also indicate whether you wish to be considered for reimbursement, and whether you intend to book accommodation at the hotel venue (see below).

COST Action reimbursement for attending

We provide reimbursement for attending our conferences and events. This reimbursement does not require participants to present their work, although we do encourage you to do so. All IMMUPARKNET members and their affiliates (including those mentioned above) are eligible for reimbursement.

How does reimbursement work?

Reimbursement for this event, as in all COST Action events, will be applied in accordance with COST Association guidelines, which provide for the full reimbursement of long-distance travel AND a Daily Allowance (DA) to cover accommodation and other costs. The Daily Allowance for Serbia is €191 per day. Priority for reimbursement places will be given to maintain a good balance of countries, institutions and ages, with MC members and Action members being given priority over affiliates. Younger researchers will be given the next level of priority. Otherwise priority will be given on a first-come-first-served basis. For the sake of brevity, full details on reimbursement will be provided upon a declaration of interest.


The meeting will be held in Belgrade, in the Royal Inn Hotel (https://royalinn.rs/). The hotel offers single rooms with breakfast at the price of 90 EUR, double rooms with breakfast at the price of 100 EUR per night. To make a reservation, please send an e-mail to the hotel directly: booking@royalinn.rs and indicate IMMUPARKNET meeting reservation.

Abstract submission

The Conference will feature both Oral and Poster presentations of our participants’ work. Please send abstracts, indicating either oral or poster preference, to the email address immuparknet@gmail.com with the subject “Oral/Poster Abstract for IMMUPARKNET Belgrade Conference”. The deadline for abstract submission is 31st January 2024.

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