Call for grants – Grant Period 2

Call for grants – Grant Period 2

IMMUPARKNET call for applications for  short-term scientific missions (STSMs), inclusiveness target countries (ITC) Conference Grants and Dissemination Grants is currently open! Further and detailed information can be found below.

The call for grants for Grant Period 2 (from 01/11/2023 to 31/10/2024) is now open. The grant awarding committee will evaluate and decide on applications that will be submitted by 30/03/2024 for grants that are to be completed over the summer period. There will be a second deadline for grants to be completed in early Autumn (deadline for submission: 15/07/2024).

The grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served, basis until the allocated budget permits it. Please note, that there are maximal amounts for the grant requests and requesting a lower amount will enable us to award more grants.

STSM: 2500 euro/grant
(potentially higher upon specific request with justification sent to IMMUPARKNET@gmail.com and Kari.Fladmark@uib.no)

ITC conference: 1500 euro/grant
(potentially higher upon specific request with justification sent to IMMUPARKNET@gmail.com and Kari.Fladmark@uib.no)

DC: 1500 euro/grant (applicable only for the oral presentations)
(potentially higher upon specific request with justification sent to IMMUPARKNET@gmail.com and Kari.Fladmark@uib.no)

Please spread word to your PhD students and collaborators who may not yet be members. These grants are also open to non-members if they are affiliated to a member.

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